Yin Yoga & Reiki Online Masterclass
November 24th @ 8 pm CET
Opening Up to Your Essence

In this live online "Opening Up to Your Essence" Masterclass, we will delve deep into the spiritual realm with Yin Yoga and Reiki. This unique class is designed to help you connect with your inner self, harness the subtle energies (Qi) that flow within and around you, and experience a profound sense of spiritual connection. Through the deeply releasing and introspective practice of Yin Yoga, complemented by the healing power of Reiki, you'll embark on a transformative journey towards a more profound understanding of your essence and your interconnectedness with the universe.
This master class consists of
Introduction: Connecting to your essence with Yin Yoga & Reiki
Qi Moving Meditation
Guided Reiki self-treatment
Yin Yoga practice with the application of Reiki
Mindful Shavasana & Meditation
This live online master class is suitable for everyone; you don’t need lots of experience in practising Yin Yoga nor have to be initiated in Reiki. Both José and Jordi will compassionately guide you. José will give you personalised options, so you can surrender and adapt the Chi Moving Meditation and Yin Yoga poses to your needs and possibilities. Jordi will guide you into connecting to Reiki and applying self-Reiki. Throughout the master class, Jordi will apply Reiki from a distance at the same time. To enhance the effects, we encourage you to do self-Reiki also if you are not familiar with Reiki. Remember energy (Qi) is everywhere and ever-present, no matter where you are. Even behind a laptop screen, you will feel energetically connected and experience the benefits of the Yin Yoga & Reiki combination.
The powerful healing combination of Yin Yoga & Reiki
The combination of Yin Yoga & Reiki was created by José de Groot and Jordi Ibern in 2007 in Barcelona. Both practices share the same philosophy, spiritual purpose, and healing benefits. When practiced in combination, it enables you to open up, and release any emotional, mental or physical suffering, tensions or blockages and become more present.
More Information
Yin Yoga & Reiki Online Masterclass
Preparation for Class
Class starts at 8pm CET, but we are online around 7.50PM. Join us early so we can say hi and check in on any requests or issues. At the end of the master class, we will leave some time for questions.
Make sure you have enough space to practice and have the following props ready for class, if possible:
a mat
a belt
a blanket
2 blocks
a bolster or pillow
a free wall to use during the practice
Master Class Recording
After the live masterclass, all registered participants will have access to the recording for 3 days. If you're unable to attend the live session, you can still enjoy the masterclass at your convenience later on. In case you're unable to download the recording within the 3-day period, feel free to reach out to José via email, and she will provide you with a non-expiring link.
The master class is taught in English.
How it works
This Yin Yoga & Reiki master class will be live using Zoom. The time of the class is in Amsterdam time so if you are not in central Europe make sure you come at the right time. Once you have registered and paid – you will be sent an email with instructions on how to join the Zoom master class.